Out of Egypt by Chuck Crismier


Preparing the Way of the Lord in Your Life for History’s Final Hour

88 in stock


Why was Jesus crucified in Egypt? (Rev. 11:8).

  • Why does America Love Egypt?
  • If we are not in Egypt, why does God call us out?
  • If we are in Egypt,, how can we come out?
  • Why did God try to kill Moses?
  • Is your trust adequate to “endure to the end?”
  • Why is envy the engine of Egypt?
  • How have Christian pastors joined forces with Pharaoh to keep God’s children in bondage?
  • Why does God refuse to enter the city?
  • Could the beckoning call of Egypt keep you from entering the Promised Land?

Liberating yet sobering.

“An end-time message to the end-time Church. This book will challenge you to a new level of faith. It will stir you to truly trust the God who says “I AM.” It will prepare the Church to endure the difficult times ahead as history surges toward the Second Coming. Could this be our final call Out of Egypt?”  Why settle to be a “Prince of Egypt” when you can be a Prince with God?


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