A Mentor’s Wisdom by R. Larry Moyer
Renewing the art of mentoring: Why we need it & how to find one. Mentoring is a rarity. In a culture lacking solid mentors and even fewer followers, the need for help and guidance is as needed as ever. In this book Dr. R. Larry Moyer chronicles how he developed as a leader through the close partnership with a professor who became a friend.

Amazing Grace in the Life of John Newton by Don Parker Decker
The words that John Newton wrote in his hymn Amazing Grace over two centuries ago have brought hope and peace to people around the world. In this hymn, Newton recounted the battle he had in his own life. A profligate … Read More

Blackout to Blessing by Melissa Huray
How the Perfect Love of Jesus Saved Me from the Highway to Hell

Faithful Presence by Bill Haslam
The Promise and the Peril of Faith in the Public Square

Gifted Mind by Jeff Kinley & Dr. Raymond Damadian
The Dr. Raymond Damadian Story, Inventor of the MRI

John Locke: Philosopher of American Liberty by Mary-Elaine Swanson
Why Our Founders Fought for “Life, Liberty and Property”

Let Justice Roll Down by John Perkins
The Real-Life story about the transforming work of faith that allowed John Perkins to respond to extreme racism, oppression and injustice with miraculous compassion, vision and hope.