Choosing Intimacy by Cindi Martin
Exploring Christ’s Model for Mutuality and Deeply Connected Relationships
This book is available for pre-order, and will be in stock after April 23, 2024.

Divorce and Remarriage by Joseph & Patricia Webb
The Trojan Horse Within the Church. Whom Shall We Then Believe?

Do Your Kids a Favor… Love Your Spouse by Kendra and John Smiley
When you make the right choices for your marriage, you are making the right choices for your children. Read how you can… Let your priorities color your day; Recognize and work through your differences; Accept your past; Realize that everyone’s … Read More

Don’t Divorce by Diane Medved
If you’re in a troubled marriage, divorce might seem like a reasonable option. But in most cases, it’s a calamity. Shows like Bravo’s Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce and HBO’s Divorce normalize the dissolution of marriage, making couples feel that divorce … Read More

Every Reason to Leave by Vicki Rose
Every Reason to Leave: And Why We Chose to Stay Together. A personal and detailed story of one couple’s unbelievable marital journey.

Fierce Marriage by Ryan and Selena Frederick
Ryan and Selena Frederick were newlyweds when they landed in Switzerland to pursue Selena’s dream of training horses. Neither of them knew at the time that Ryan was living out a death sentence brought on by a worsening genetic heart … Read More

Finding the Hero in Your Husband, Revisited by Dr. Juli Slattery
Embracing Your Power in Marriage

Generations Following Jesus as a Family DVD by Dr. Rob Rienow
The family is under enormous pressure as divorce and alternative configurations of “family” have supplanted the traditional family. Dr. Rienow acknowledges that parenting is a daily struggle and pressure to give up prevails. But kids fare better and are more successful as adults when raised by a father and mother in an intact home. This 8-session journey explores marriage, forgiveness, trust, repentance, and the Creator’s plan for the family. Solid family, parenting and marriages don’t happen accidentally; they happen with purposeful planning.

Generations Following Jesus as a Family USB by Dr. Rob Rienow
The family is under enormous pressure as divorce and alternative configurations of “family” have supplanted the traditional family. Dr. Rienow acknowledges that parenting is a daily struggle and pressure to give up prevails. But kids fare better and are more successful as adults when they are raised by a mother and father in an intact home. His 8-session journey explores marriage, forgiveness, trust, repentance, and the Creator’s plan for the family. Solid family, parenting and marriages don’t happen accidentally; they happen with purposeful planning.

Get Married and Save the World by Ordinary Brother
A Guide to Christian Marriage, the Witness of the Family and Restoring the World

God, Sex and Your Marriage by Juli Slattery
Many Christian books talk about sexual issues within broader works on marriage, but few resources comprehensively and biblically guide couples specifically on sexual intimacy. God, Sex, and Your Marriage challenges the common assumptions couples have about sexuality and presents the … Read More

Held in Honor by Robert Plummer & Matthew Haste
Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past