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KING of the Mountain by Chuck Crismier
The Eternal, Epic, End-Time Battle. He who rules the Temple Mount rules the world.

Lasting Love by Chuck and Kathie Crismier
Enduring Secrets for Marital Success

Hearts of the Fathers by Charles Crismier
Leaving a Legacy That Lasts! There is a fatherhood crisis in America. Indeed, a serious “father problem” is at the core of nearly all social ills facing America today. Because fatherhood lies at the very root of a righteous relationship with the Creator Himself, the enemy of our souls desperately seeks to destroy that relationship. This book provides a “binocular” view of God’s Word, exposing the deception all around us and illuminating the Heavenly Father’s perfect prescription for both a temporal and eternal legacy.
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Save America Ministries Donation
SAVE AMERICA Ministries is dependent upon the faithful support of those who believe in what we are doing. Please ask the Lord what He would have you give to support this work. Your tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated!

Viewpoint Breakfast – Agawam Massachusetts

KING of the Mountain by Chuck Crismier
The Eternal, Epic, End-Time Battle. He who rules the Temple Mount rules the world.

Save America Ministries AUTOMATIC MONTHLY Donation
SAVE AMERICA MINISTRIES is dependent upon your faithful support. If you would like to set up an AUTOMATIC MONTHLY Donation (AMD) of a given amount, which will be charged to whichever credit card you designate, the first week of each … Read More