Change to Chains Vol 1 by William Federer
How did past civilizations rise and fall? How rare is America’s experiment with a republic? With every crisis, is power being taken away from “the people” and transfered to the central government. Does history give us a clue as to … Read More
Character Still Counts by James Merritt
It Is Time to Restore Our Lasting Values
Choose the Life by Bill Hull
Exploring a Faith that Embraces Discipleship
Chrislam Ed. by Joshua Lingel, Jeff Morton & Bill Nikides
Are there missionaries who promote converts from Islam remaining in Islam? Is Islam the primary identity for a new believer and how does this identity interface with one’s deliverance from a false religion? Which rituals and phenomena of Islam may … Read More
Christianity & World Religions by Derek Cooper
An Introduction to the World’s Major Faiths.
Concise Dictionary of Christianity in America by Daniel G Reid
Based on the Dictionary of Christianity in America, this concise dictionary includes hundreds of brief, up-to-date and informative entries on people, places, events, ideas, practices, and beliefs.
Cult Shock by Mark Stengler Jr. & Mark Stengler Sr.
The Book Jehovah’s Witnesses & Mormons Don’t Want You to Read