DVD-Based study. Dr. Timothy Paul Jones will help you: Know the biblical teachings about the end times; Obtain an objective understanding of the study of the end times; Learn and compare the four major views that Christians have held over the past 2,000 years (Historical Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Dispensational Premillennialsim, Postmillennialism); Focus on Jesus as the goal of God’s plan. You don’t have to be an expert to lead this 6-session study. Common questions and answers are an optional part of each DVD session. Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, adult Sunday school or for individual use. This Six-Session DVD-Based Study Leader Pack Features: Six 15-10 minute DVD-based sessions; One PDF leader guide, which may be printed; PDF files for promotional posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts, and banners. You will need to purchase a Participant Guide for each person.