The War to End All Wars by Lewis Clementson
The War to End All Wars by Lewis Clementson

Life on Earth has always been a war between God and Satan for the hearts and minds of mankind, so it is only fitting that it will end, not with a whimper, but only after a final climactic War To … Read More

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The World Crisis and Bible Prophecies by Dr. Hector Caram-Andruet
The World Crisis and Bible Prophecies by Dr. Hector Caram-Andruet

Global catastrophe looms on the horizon, but how much time is left? There are warning signs the Lord has told us to watch for. The Bible presents a clear picture of what is to come in the final days, offering … Read More

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Wake the Bride by Jeff Kinley
Wake the Bride by Jeff Kinley

Jeff Kinley wrote this innovative guide to the book of Revelation for the same reason the apostle John wrote the original–to arouse a sleeping church to prepare for Christ’s return. Jesus said, “Wake up and strengthen the things that remain.” … Read More

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When the Lion Roars by Carl Gallups
When the Lion Roars by Carl Gallups

What if we truly were living in the most profoundly prophetic times since the first coming of Jesus Christ? What if you were shown the undeniable and shocking proof?  The return of Israel. Increased turmoil in the Middle East. The … Read More

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World Dominion by Vaughn Shatzer
World Dominion by Vaughn Shatzer

Revelation 13 is one of the most awesome chapters in the Word of God. It takes place during the middle of the seven-year Tribulation period. It gives a graphic description of two satanic and demon-possessed men, who are both called … Read More

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